Magnification of the defects in the welds near source in double-wall double-image radiographic inspection 双壁双投影源侧焊缝缺陷的放大
Calculating correction functions with geometric principle and establishing corresponding curve, defects found in pressure vessel welds by circumferential detection can be quickly and simply calculated with this curve and location of defects can be determined, thus simplified the field operation. 应用几何原理计算出修正函数,建立相应的曲线,并利用曲线对压力容器焊缝周向探测发现的缺陷进行快速简易计算,便可确定缺陷的位置,简化了现场操作。
From theoretical analysis and statistics, the radiography standard for rejecting weld defects should be link with weld safety in service and the informations of safely used welds should have feedback to the drafting process of standard in order to avoid the unreasonable repair. 通过理论分析和实例,提出将焊缝使用安全性的信息反馈到焊缝射线探伤标准的制定中去,以避免某些不恰当的返修。
Grade evaluation of round defects in ellipse imaged films of the welds in small Dlameter pipes 小径管椭圆成象焊缝中圆形缺陷的等级评定
Characterization of the Defects in Welds by Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction Technique 用超声衍射时差法对焊缝缺陷定性表征
Formulas for ultrasonic localization of the defects in the longitudinal welds of cylinders and fast calculation 筒体纵缝超声缺陷定位计算式及其快速计算
It was indicated that the main cause of line pipe failures at the weld was lack of fusion defects and cracks produced by inadequate welding heat input in electric resistance welds. 认为管线管爆裂原因主要是在电阻焊过程中工艺不当,产生了未焊透缺陷和裂纹,在试压过程中管线管从这些原始的焊接缺陷位置发生了爆裂事故。
Ultrasonic detection of defects in heat-affected zones of stainless steel pipe welds 不锈钢管道焊缝热影响区的超声波探伤试验
Load-carrying capacity analysis of a pressurized pipe with misalignment or unfitness defects in circumferential welds 含不同心或错边焊缝缺陷压力管道承载能力分析
Discussion on Evaluation of Defects in Welds of Small-sized Tubes 对小径管焊口缺陷评定方法的探讨
Defects in welds are classified by using numerical characteristic values of statistical distribution and "Fisher linear discrimination method" for pattern recog- 用统计分布的数字特征值和图象识别中Fisher线性识别方法区分焊缝中的各类缺陷。
Study and prevention of defects in rail thermit welds 钢轨铝热焊缺陷的研究与防止
Since there are weld defects in welds, using traditional strength theory based on no defect and no crack to design, crane's security in rating load can't be insured. 由于在焊缝部位存在焊接缺陷,采用传统的建立在构件无缺陷、无裂纹基础上的强度理论进行设计计算时,往往不能确保起重机在额定载荷下使用的安全性。
In the process of modeling in order to more close to the real situation of welding defects in welds, dug holes to simulate the welding defect. 在建立模型的过程中,为了更加接近焊接缺陷的真实情况,在焊接处挖取小孔来模拟焊接缺陷。